Institute for Prostate Cancer Research

Project Description

Work is underway to handle editorial strategy, research and writing for the Institute for Prostate Cancer Research’s 2025 impact report. We also wrote the IPCR’s first two reports to the community (2021 and 2023).  The physicians and researchers at the Center, an innovative collaboration between University of Washington Medicine and Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, are committed to improving prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment as well as providing effective customized therapy for patients.

The reports highlight the center’s innovative work, such as CAR T-cell therapy, molecular imaging and ways to combat prostate cancer among Black men, and is used as a fundraising and outreach tool. I wrote the main content, developed the cover concepts, wrote headlines and subheads, and edited the directors’ messages. Design was provided by UW Creative Communications and the publication came together under the direction of project coordinator Agnes Gawne.

Read the 2023 report here.