Project Description
Research shows that mentoring has a powerful impact on young people, providing them with the tools they need to make responsible decisions, stay in school, and reduce or avoid risky behavior. We work with Seattle CARES Mentoring Movement, a nonprofit organization, to help them promote several mentoring programs benefiting King County youth.
In 2018, we helped SCMM launch the highly successful “Our Best: Black Male Achievement Mentoring Campaign,” a program supported by the City of Seattle. “Our Best” was Seattle’s first-ever initiative to support quality, culturally anchored mentoring to improve opportunities and life outcomes for young black men and boys. We created a communications strategic plan and wrote copy for posters, newsletters and press releases.
In 2020, we refreshed and updated the website, and included the addition of new Seattle CARES mentoring programs, offered remotely during the pandemic before transitioning to in-person sessions. We also help promote the organization through an electronic newsletter, called Momentum.