I write a twice-monthly feature for L’Italo-Americano newspaper featuring people and businesses of interest to Italians and Italian-Americans living on… Read more Music and dance to lighten the spirit

I write a twice-monthly feature for L’Italo-Americano newspaper featuring people and businesses of interest to Italians and Italian-Americans living on… Read more Music and dance to lighten the spirit
In March, as the COVID-19 public health crisis expanded rapidly in King County, the University of Washington acted quickly and… Read more Communicating during a crisis
Fewer than 50 percent of first-year engineering students nationwide go on to complete their education and graduate with an engineering… Read more The STARS are shining at the UW College of Engineering
How does an improv class help lawyers be better at their job? My clients at the University of Washington Law… Read more Improv and the Law
Jacob Riis was a journalist, photographer and social reformer who began as a police reporter in New York City in… Read more Exploring social change through journalism